Conference sessions

From Experimentation to Implementation: Advancing Generative AI in Business


Wed, 26 Jun
16:00 - 17:00 CST

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MWC Stage B, SNIEC – N5 B30


Session Moderators

Session Speakers

Session Description

Ever since its groundbreaking release in November 2022, ChatGPT has dominated headlines, igniting a frenzy among businesses eager to harness its potential. Join the session as we delve into the world of generative AI and explore its practical applications in various industries.


We will discuss where generative AI can go from experimentation to implementation into the business engine, all while ensuring a substantial return on investment, and more importantly, how companies take the next step, strategically and wisely.


The session will discover:

• Generative AI and LLM uses across vertical industries

• What challenges is AI solving? Where are the business/operational/industry challenges that will need Generative AI’s application?

• How can Generative AI go from experiment to the business engine,

• SLM: private deployment with customized AI applications

• Business leaders: balancing between near-term gains and developing the long term foundations

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