Luiz Felippe Zoghbi

GSMA, Spectrum Engagement Director

Speaker Bio

Luiz works as Spectrum Engagement Director at the GSMA towards the global and regional advance of spectrum issues such as licensing, roadmaps, pricing, sharing, synchronisation, coverage and 5G international advocacy. Luiz leads the GSMA campaign to gain access to harmonised spectrum for mobile broadband, working with a team of regional experts for the delivering of spectrum policy and licensing best practice to key markets across the globe.


Luiz joined the GSMA in 2018 as Policy and Future Spectrum Project Manager to lead the delivery of the World Radiocommunication Conference 2019 (WRC-19) campaign and coordinate the Future Spectrum executive group. Previously, Luiz has worked in the mobile industry for almost 10 years, lastly as Spectrum Specialist at TIM Brasil in Regulatory Intelligence, where also had been an intern, analyst, consultant and senior consultant. He has acted as the Strategic Leader for the implementation of 700 MHz LTE and Digital TV Migration in Brazil, and as a board member in two associations: ABR Telecom (wholesale and data integration) and Seja Digital – EAD (700 MHz).


Luiz holds an M.B.A. at the State University of Rio de Janeiro and a Masters (MSc) in International Management at the Universite D’Angers, France. He has graduated in Business Administration, splitting his studies between the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) and the Jon M. Huntsman School of Business at Utah State, with an extension diploma in International Management at the University of Victoria, Canada.