John Hoffman


Speaker Bio

John Hoffman is CEO and Director for GSMA Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of the GSM Association, the world’s wireless communication trade organization. GSMA Ltd. is engaged in various lines of for profit businesses including the award winning MWC Mobile World Congress series in Barcelona, Shanghai and Los Angeles, Mobile 360 series, media and publications, research and managed platform services.

With more than 35 years’ experience in the global wireless industry, Hoffman is widely recognised as a leading thinker, innovator, author and visionary. He is a published author of GPRS Demystified by McGraw Hill Telecom and the Evolution Insider by the GSM Association.

Hoffman has held various executive, board and advisory roles including C6 and AMPT (Advanced Materials Pandemic Task Force) a global task force to leverage and use advanced materials and graphene for the prevention and management of global health emergencies; Future Trends Forum, a Spanish Technology Think Tank; CEO and Director of fastmobile, Inc; President, CEO and Director of Roamware, Inc; COO of Pocket Communications; Non-Executive Board Member of ESP, Regional Director for BellSouth Mobility; COO of SONOFON in Denmark; Director at BellSouth International and General Manager of BellSouth Mobility DCS.

Hoffman holds a Bachelor of Science in architecture and a Master of Architecture degree from the University of Michigan, a Master of Business degree from the University of Phoenix and is a licensed Architect in the state of Colorado, USA.