Ye Ouyang

Asianfo Technologies, CTO & SVP

Speaker Bio

Ye Ouyang, Ph.D., IEEE Fellow

CTO and SVP, AsiaInfo Technologies

Adjunct Professor, Co-Director of Tsinghua University-AsiaInfo Joint Lab of 6G Network & Intelligence Computing

Dr. Ye Ouyang is Chief Technology Officer and Senior Vice President at Asiainfo Technologies (HKG:1675), a global leading provider of telecom software and services. He is primarily responsible for AsiaInfo’s research, development, and innovation. Dr. Ouyang is also Adjunct Professor and Co-Director of Tsinghua University-AsiaInfo Joint Lab of 6G Network & Intelligence Computing. Prior to AsiaInfo, Dr. Ye Ouyang has been Verizon Fellow and was Senior Manager at Verizon. Dr. Ye Ouyang has extensive work experience spanning telcos, equipment provider, and software provider in various technical, managerial, and executive roles. His recent work is focused on the cross-domain innovation and commercialization of state of the art technologies of cellular networks, AI, and data science. In November 2022, Dr. Ouyang was elected as an IEEE Fellow in recognition of his outstanding leadership in the fields of network intelligence and self-organizing cellular networks.

Dr. Ouyang received various awards in industry and academia, some latest awards including 2023 Forbes 100 Most Influential Chinese Selection Award, 2017 Asian American Engineer of the Year (AAEOY), 2021 Top-100 Diverse Leaders in Tech, US National Diversity Council, 2019 TMForum Future Digital Leader Award, 2023 Science and Technology Award First Prize by CAA (China Assiociation of Automation), 2022 Science and Technology Award First Prize by CCF (China Computer Federation), 2021 Wu Wenjun AI Science and Technology Award by CAAI (Chinese Association for AI), 2021 China Artificial Intelligence Tech Leader Award, 2020 China Artificial Intelligence Industry Annual Leader Award, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData) Best Paper Award, 2017 US Telecom Innovation Awards by Fierce, 2017 Most Innovative Telco Big Data Analytics Platform Award by Telco Data Analytics USA, 2016 US Telecom Innovation Award by Fierce,  2015 Chair Award "Wireless Communications & Interdisciplinary Perspective" Contribution by IEEE WTS, etc. 

Dr. Ouyang serves various roles in global telecommunication standard bodies, academia, and high tech organizations, including Chair or Board Member of different working groups and conferences in ETSI and IEEE, Industry Career Mentor at Stevens Institute of Technology, Director at Tsinghua University-AsiaInfo Joint Lab of 6G Network & Intelligence Computing, and Chair of AI Chapter at Beijing Software Industry Association. He also serves as editor, technical program committee member, and reviewers for many journals and conferences.

Dr. Ouyang authored more than 50+ academic papers, 160+ patents, 180+ standards, and 13 books. Dr. Ouyang obtained a Ph.D. from Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, NJ, a Bachelor of Engineering from Southeast University in China, a Master of Science from Tufts University in Medford, MA, and a Master of Science from Columbia University in the City of New York.

Baidu Baike link: [Dr. Ye Ouyang_ Baidu Baike]